Modern Slavery Statement
Locata (Housing Services) Limited – Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking Statement 2024-25
This statement is made by Locata (Housing Services) Limited (“Locata”) in accordance with Section 54(1) of the Modern Slavery Act 2015 for the financial year ending 2024-25. This statement outlines the steps taken by Locata to prevent modern slavery and human trafficking in our business operations and supply chains. It is reviewed and updated annually and published on our website.
Our Commitment
Locata is committed to maintaining a zero-tolerance approach towards modern slavery and human trafficking. We are dedicated to acting ethically and with integrity in all our business dealings and relationships. We continually assess and mitigate risks related to modern slavery and ensure compliance with all applicable laws and regulations.
About Locata (Housing Services) Limited
Locata is a UK-based Housing Options System supplier, providing IT solutions to local authorities (LAs) and registered housing providers (RPs). Locata is wholly owned by LAs and RPs and is committed to adhering to all relevant legal and regulatory requirements, including those related to modern slavery and human trafficking.
Our Supply Chains
Although the provision of software and housing services is generally considered to have a lower risk of modern slavery and human trafficking, Locata acknowledges its responsibility to ensure that such practices do not occur within its business or supply chains.
We engage with suppliers who share our commitment to preventing modern slavery. Our procurement processes include due diligence checks and contractual obligations that require suppliers to comply with the Modern Slavery Act 2015 and adhere to our ethical standards.
Actions Taken
- Risk Assessment: We conduct regular risk assessments of our operations and supply chains to identify potential risks related to modern slavery and human trafficking. This includes reviewing the geographical locations of our suppliers and the nature of the goods and services they provide.
- Supplier Due Diligence: We implement a thorough due diligence process when engaging new suppliers. This includes assessing their policies and practices regarding modern slavery and human trafficking. Existing suppliers are regularly reviewed to ensure ongoing compliance.
- Training and Awareness: We ensure that all employees, particularly those involved in procurement and supply chain management, are trained on the requirements of the Modern Slavery Act 2015. This training is designed to help employees recognise the signs of modern slavery and understand how to report concerns.
- Reporting Concerns: We maintain clear reporting mechanisms for employees to report any concerns related to modern slavery and human trafficking. Employees are encouraged to report any suspicions to Locata’s Management Team or directly to the Board. All reports are treated with the utmost seriousness and investigated thoroughly.
- Policy Review: Our procurement policies and procedures are regularly reviewed and updated to reflect our commitment to combating modern slavery. We require our suppliers to adhere to similar standards and to implement policies that prevent modern slavery and human trafficking within their operations.
Looking Ahead
Locata is committed to continually improving our practices to combat modern slavery and human trafficking. We will continue to monitor our operations and supply chains, engage with stakeholders, and update our policies and procedures as necessary to ensure we remain compliant with the Modern Slavery Act 2015 and uphold our ethical standards.